Best in content this week = trends

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Expert Interview | Holly Stanley

1/ Tell me more about yourself and how you got started with your career.

I originally aspired to be a journalist covering foreign affairs in Latin America.
When I first moved to Buenos Aires, I freelanced for English news outlets. However, I quickly realized that making a living and having enough left over for travel would be challenging.

I then transitioned into marketing, working for a Latin American luxury travel brand. As the only full-time marketer on a small team, I gained experience in everything from writing blogs to running Facebook ads.

In the early days of the pandemic, I was laid off and decided to try freelancing again. Initially, I wrote on a variety of topics (everything from hair replacement services to fax machines!) Eventually, I focused on B2B long-form content. With the extra time at home, I invested in learning SEO and improving my writing skills.

2/ What's one notable way you've seen content marketing change this year?

Lately, I’ve noticed that more long-form content now includes short-form videos. Whether it’s snippets from customer interviews in case studies or podcast clips in blog posts, this trend seems to be gaining popularity. Many more of my clients are asking me to go through video content and select snippets to embed in our content.

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The Best in Content This Week

I read 100s of articles every week and find the best (so you don't have to).

  • 12 Content Marketing Trends That Will Continue in 2024 (Backlinko)
  • Future of AI in Content Marketing: Trends (SEJ)
  • 19 Free or Low-Budget Ways To Distribute Your Content (CMI)
  • How To Use AI to Increase Efficiency in Your User Research (CXL)

Jobs | Is This Your New Bread & Butter?👇

Superpath needs security writers

MyThirdPlace needs blog writers

Red Stag Fulfillment is hiring logistics writers

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