What we learn about influence from The Donner Party

Hello Reader!

My daughter is taking a class called “Exploring History Through Graphic Novels,” and her most recent lesson got me thinking…

You know. We've already learned everything we need to know about seeking a fortune online from...the Donner Party.

Hear me out.

Remember when the Donner Party took the advice in Lansford Hasting's The Emigrants' Guide to Oregon and California to heart?

And then they altered their route to try and get to California faster via the Hastings Cutoff?

But, it turned out that:

✅ Hastings fabricated the "shortcut." He never fully traveled or tested the route himself.

✅ Hastings wanted to encourage more settlers to go to California—where he hoped to establish his influence (!!!)—and promoted the route to make the journey seem quicker and more appealing.

❌ The cutoff was far more arduous and dangerous than the main trail and led to the Donner Party getting trapped in the Sierra Nevada mountains during winter.

And we all know what happened!

Do you see where I'm going with this?

There are a lot of marketing influencers out there promoting messages on how to get to the gold faster.


👉 There are no shortcuts.

In my best month working as a freelance content writer, I made $65K. Guess how long it took me to get there? Thirteen years. Thirteen! There are no shortcuts. And it's been a hefty climb with highs, lows, and everything in between.

👉 Pay attention to who you let influence you.

Has the professional you're listening to/following traveled the path themselves? Are they giving you data points and actionable advice that leads to results? Or are they fabricating stories to line their pockets?

👉 Consider the cost before taking uncharted paths.

Cutting corners in business often comes with hidden costs—burnout, low-quality work, or strained client relationships.


So, tear a page out of the history books and pay attention to who you let influence your business decisions.


SparkToro's newsletter: Instantly improve your marketing strategy

One consistently good read is SparkToro's audience research newsletter. Written by Amanda Natividad and edited by Rand Fishkin, the SparkToro team offers bite-sized standalone insights to instantly improve at least one aspect of your marketing strategy. Plus, sometimes you'll get funny jokes or memes, and it won't be overbearing or too unserious.

Expert Interview | Rebecca Rosenberg

1. Tell me more about yourself and your career journey. Before becoming a content writer, I worked as an ESL teacher in Austin, TX, South Korea, and Spain. Then, in 2012, I got my Master’s in Information Science (think: how people use and interact with information), which is what led me to content marketing.

My first gigs were within the local music industry in Austin. I did content management, blogging, and social media promotion for a big event production company. And I built a content marketing program from scratch for a local concert & video series.

Next up, I served as Head of Digital for Torchy’s Tacos for four years. I became the online voice for a sassy little taco-loving devil, and helped grow the brand from local fave to cult-status nationwide. Best. gig. ever.

In 2017, I left the free tacos behind to start a business and travel indefinitely. Like most budding entrepreneurs, I took whatever jobs came my way. Turns out, I actually loved “boring” subjects like finance & B2B tech.

Fast forward to now, and I’ve worked with awesome brands like Shopify, Investopedia, Wealth Legacy Institute, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Alert Media and others. I’m still abroad, and I’m still helping brands translate complex topics into “human-speak” (using my HUMAN framework for un-boring content).

2. What's a new trend content marketers can't afford to ignore?

Brand matters, even in B2B. I’m happy to see more B2B companies working to build a strong brand, ditching the stuffy corporate voice, and having more fun with their content.

B2B buyers are people too, and their buying decisions are driven by emotions, just like in B2C. That's why it's crucial to entertain and engage prospects—not just educate them—throughout the lengthy sales process.

Lately, I’m seeing more creative content that takes a page from B2C, like Slack’s lighthearted dig at meeting culture, or Dreamdata’s gaming-inspired video to unveil their new G2 badges.

Sharpen Your Writing Skills 📝

The Best in Content This Week

Fav articles from this week:

👉 Google Faces Potential Breakup: How DOJ Ruling Could Reshape Search (SEJ):

The U.S. DOJ has proposed measures to address Google’s alleged monopoly in search and search advertising. Key recommendations include curbing exclusive deals, increasing data sharing, and encouraging competition in search advertising. Google argues these proposals could disrupt user privacy, innovation, and business stability. If implemented, the changes may reshape the search landscape, impacting consumers, marketers, and the broader tech industry. The case is ongoing, with further developments expected in 2025.

👉 How have social media algorithms changed the way we interact? (BBC):

Social media algorithms, introduced in 2009 with Facebook’s ranked news feeds, have drastically reshaped online interactions. Governments worldwide are attempting to curb algorithm-driven impacts like disinformation and harmful content. Critics argue that algorithms distort free speech by amplifying certain voices over others, shifting social media from an open marketplace of ideas to a curated experience. While some advocate for user control over algorithms to foster healthier discussions, others believe platforms’ business models incentivize sensational content. New solutions like "middleware" could give users more control, enabling a balanced approach between engagement and free speech.

👉 A 6-Step Framework For Repurposing Content Effectively (Forbes):

The MAXOUT Methodology is a six-step framework for effectively repurposing content across platforms to maximize visibility, engagement, and lead generation. Starting with a foundational piece, content is amplified through owned, paid, and earned media, then repurposed into “snackable” formats to keep it relevant. The strategy ends with driving traffic and conversions by directing engaged readers to actionable steps. This approach enables a continuous content flow that reinforces brand authority while reaching a broad audience.

👉 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Outlook for 2025 [Research] (CMI)

CMI's 2025 report reveals that marketers still struggle with limited resources, lack of clear goals, and tech inefficiencies. Although content strategy effectiveness remains moderate for most, top performers achieve success by understanding audience needs, producing quality content, and leveraging AI. Key challenges include aligning content with customer journeys and measuring ROI, while LinkedIn leads in social media value. Despite these issues, marketers plan to invest more in video and AI for content optimization in 2025, and many anticipate team growth to meet increasing content demands.

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