That's not a salary. It's a joke! But not a funny one.

Hello Reader!

Look. I know content marketing is a roller coaster right now.

Google is all over the place, making it more challenging to pin down how to produce results.

There have been layoffs galore in the marketing and tech sectors.

Jobs seem like hot commodities.

There's more competition than ever for jobs (both in-house and freelance).

But that's no excuse.

It's no excuse for companies to offer unlivable salaries with unreasonable expectations

In the last 5 minutes, here are some "shame on you" content jobs salaries I've come across:

$15-$20 per piece

$15-$20 per piece? Um. No. I'd say it takes me an average of 30 hours to produce a quality piece. So that's like $.50 cents per hour?!?!?! Get lost!

$12k-$20k per year.

$12K - $20K? Are they hiring teenagers to work at a car wash 3 days a week?

If so, they should pay them more.

Content strategy, writing, editing, and management are highly valuable skills directly tied to revenue.

So, to these companies, I say, "Get lost and come back when you're serious."

To us content marketers, I say, "Let's tell these companies to all get lost and come back when they're serious."

They don't deserve us. They don't deserve anyone.


Usually, I'm Nice But Not When Companies With Lots Of Money Try And Take Advantage Of Skilled Professionals

Sponsor | The Rundown AI

This is one of the only AI newsletters I don't miss. As content marketers, it's essential to stay on top of the latest AI trends. Sometimes, it means enhancing our jobs. And sometimes it means our jobs.

Check it out here before you subscribe.

Expert Interview | Diana Mason

1/ Tell me more about yourself and how you got started with content marketing.

I'm Dianna! I first got started with content marketing as a virtual assistant doing data entry and admin tasks on Upwork. From there, I started taking on blogging projects, which helped me land my last W2 position working for a digital marketing agency in the legal space. After four years I realized my earning potential and went off on my own as a freelance SEO content and copywriter.

2/ How do you handle situations where your content marketing efforts do not yield the expected results?

It's really important to handle negative feedback or critique with grace. Consider why your content did not yield the expected results. Was it because you're a terrible writer, or is it because the brief wasn't clear? Once you identify the "why," make a plan of action. Next time, read the brief more thoughtfully and connect with your point of contact to get more information as needed so the piece aligns with your client's vision for the page.

Sharpen Your Writing Skills 📝

I've been testing this theory for my new newsletter, Life In A Backpack.

It's simple. But it works. My growth rates are better than I expected.

The Best in Content This Week

I read 100s of articles every week and find the best (so you don't have to).

  • Reddit Subreddits To Google Search (SEJ)
  • 5 of my best editing tips for content marketers (Wix SEO Hub)
  • Google AI Overviews: Do Ranking Studies Tell the Whole Story? (Rich Sanger)
  • Can a 1985 Marketing Playbook Fix Measurement Problems in 2024? (CMI)
  • I Found the Secret to Creating a Social Media Calendar to Plan Content (Hubspot)
  • Detailed Q4: Analysing The SEO Playbook of Digital Goliaths In-Depth, Every Quarter (Detailed)

***Hopefully, these writers got paid more than $15 for these brilliant articles. I bet they did.

Jobs | Is This Your New Bread & Butter?👇

This Post From Kaitlyn is Awesome

Click on this image if you're looking for more work. Kaitlyn has done us all a wonderful service. She's rad. Go sign up for her newsletter and follow her.

Life In A Backpack + It's Ashley's Bday

I also write a more candid newsletter about life as a digital nomad.

Here are some past issues to see if it resonates with you:

Did you know my birthday is on Saturday? Wanna give me a present? If you know someone thinking about the digital nomad life, I'd love if you introduced them to Life In A Backpack. Thank you!

Send them this link:

Why are you so cool? THANK YOU!

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