
Content Connect

The Content Great Awakening

Published 18 days ago • 5 min read

Hello Reader!

Content evangelists are preaching right now.

The message?

Thou shalt bring new info, original data, personal narrative, and subject matter expertise into your content or get left behind.

John Bonini says content with "no OG thinking, no OG research, and no community" is failing (more here).

Bernard Huang brilliantly urges content marketers to turn from traditional SEO and embrace "ranch-style SEO" (more here).

Brooklin Nash dives deep into how to create good interview-lead content:

Kaleigh Moore captures SME insights IRL as an interviewer/panel moderator.

Jimmy Daly says to be on the lookout for "some of the most novel and exciting B2B content the industry has ever seen" in an article for Jasper.

If you've read the past few Content Connect newsletters, you know I'm on board.

But here's where I want your feedback (reply to this email):

Are you seeing this shift in the content you're reading & writing?

What trends are you noticing?

Tell. Me. Everything.

Thank you for reading,

Ashley R. Cummings

Expert Interview | Liz Heflin

1. Tell me more about yourself and how you got started with your career.

I’m Liz Heflin, and I’ve been a freelance writer, editor, and content marketer since 2006. Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a writer, but I was never sure exactly what that was going to look like. I loved fiction and poetry (I still do!), and I ended up getting my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in creative writing.

During my sophomore year of undergraduate study, I began freelance writing. It all started as a way to just make some extra cash. (It also didn’t hurt I could do the job from my apartment in my pajamas!) Having absolutely no idea what I was doing, I starting applying for anything—everything—I could find.I started landing jobs. Then one-off jobs turned into more recurring work. I made some key connections, who referred me out to additional clients. Before I knew it, this side gig I’d started exploring had snowballed into a career I really loved. That was almost two decades ago now, and I still love it!

2. What advice do you have for freelancers to land clients? What are some of the best ways they can build their business?

I have lots of advice, but here are some high-level points that feel most pressing:

One of the best ways to land clients is by treating every job as an opportunity for additional projects. You never know what one-off gig will turn into recurring work. Proactively let clients know you’re available for additional jobs, and make asking for reviews and referrals part of your standard process.

Finding good writers who are also reliable, professional business owners is tough. Writing can feel like an incredibly competitive field, but if you meet your deadlines, are communicative, are pleasant to work with, and deliver quality work that drives results, that client isn’t going to want to let you go!

Success in freelance comes down to two things, and you can’t neglect either one. Being a good writer and being a good business owner. Ultimately, lots of writers aren’t suited to the freelance life because they don’t enjoy the entrepreneurial aspect of running their own freelance writing businesses. As you’re upskilling, spend just as much time on the processes and business side as you do on the writing side.

Diversification is key in several important ways. One, diversify your client base. Never rely too heavily on one single contract or company. That way, if something falls through, you’re not stuck in the lurch. Two, diversify how you fill your pipeline. Build your brand on social platforms. Pitch. Network. Apply to reputable job boards or curated job platforms. Ask for referrals. Go after recurring anchor clients. You have to decide where to invest your time (especially as a team of one), but multiple client acquisition strategies help ensure your next client or project is never far away.

When applying to jobs, never underestimate the power of industry knowledge and social proof or testimonials. I’m not saying every freelance writer needs to niche down, but demonstrating your experience in a topic is very persuasive to hiring managers. Having lots of glowing reviews or third-party endorsements also gives that hiring manager a lot of confidence in your proposal.

Go the extra mile. Sometimes applying to freelance work can feel like its own full-time job, so the idea of pouring your heart into every application seems exhausting. But that extra effort shows, and it’s often rewarded. Rather than quickly and injudiciously applying to lots of things, be more selective about where you’re expressing your interest, and then put care and thought into those applications.

Don’t underestimate the power of community! Being an active part of the freelance writing world can fast-track your success and help you avoid some costly, time-consuming mistakes. It offers education, support, motivation, and (often) more work opportunities. In this career choice, that can make all the difference!

Content Marketing 🔥 | READ THESE!

These two articles are essential reads:

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Krista Doyle
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I was lucky enough to get @jimmy_daly to write about the changing B2B content playbook for the Jasper blog. And, reader, he really delivered 👏
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The New B2B Content Playbook: Everything Old ...
Content marketing has an exciting future ahead—if we can all just agree to get b...
11:41 AM • Apr 17, 2024

The Best in Content This Week

I read 100s of articles every week and find the best (so you don't have to).

This Week's Recommendation

Here are some of my latest finds that you'll love:

  • Friday Freelance Tips newsletter. Want to know how much a seasoned freelancer makes each week? Or how many hours they work? Subscribe to the Friday Freelance Tips newsletter, and you'll find out. Lizzie Davey shares everything she's worked on that week, including how much she billed and how many hours she worked. You'll also receive an actionable tip you can implement ASAP and the Freelance Money Diaries of a different freelancer each week.

Jobs | A+ Job Boards

There was some interesting discussion brewing in the Content Connect FB community this week.

I created a post saying I don't allow any posts under .10/word. And that this is the BARE MINIMUM any beginning writer should charge.

A lot of people responded, saying it was challenging for them to find companies that pay at least .10/word.

My reaction?

  1. Yikes!
  2. You're not looking in the right place.
  3. Don't work for these companies. Let them write their own content if it's a skill they don't value.

Here are some places where you can typically find good-paying jobs:

👉 Oh, look! An ad. Click on it so Ashley can make money. (These ads are ugly, and I'll probably get rid of them. Still testing for now).

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Content Connect

Ashley R. Cummings

Subscribe now to grow your content marketing and writing muscles! Each week, you'll get an expert interview from a leading content marketer (free consulting—yay!), quick & actionable writing tips, and content marketing trends you may have missed delivered straight to your inbox. It's an easy decision—join 7000 other content marketers now!

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